Why Should Office Spaces Include Indoor Plants?

2 min readAug 19, 2024


Kenneth Freeman, Head of Innovation at Ambius, emphasizes the importance of indoor plants in office spaces, referencing the University of Exeter’s study, «Why Plants in the Office Make Us More Productive.» He suggests that businesses reconsider their sustainability practices, focusing not only on employee health but also on the financial benefits of a well-designed workspace.

  1. Biophilic Design and Well-Being:
  2. The core aim of biophilic design is to create an environment that enhances well-being, productivity, and creativity by connecting people with nature. Natural elements in interior design, such as plants, play a significant role in this process.

2. Impact on Cognitive Abilities:

Research demonstrates that natural elements positively influence cognitive function. For example, participants in one study rated their attention levels much lower in a room with concrete walls compared to a room with 100% wooden walls.

3. Preferences for Natural Environments:

When asked to choose an ideal room, 45% of participants selected a room with dark wood, 30% chose light wood, 25% preferred a mix of light and white wood, and none opted for the concrete room. Conversely, 60% identified the concrete room as the least desirable environment.

4. Fatigue Recovery and Concentration:

In a fatigue recovery test, participants first completed a challenging concentration exercise and were then shown images of natural landscapes, geometric shapes, and urban scenes. Only those who viewed natural landscapes successfully passed the final concentration test.


This evidence confirms that elements like green leaves, wooden surfaces, and natural features help restore focus and concentration, making indoor plants a valuable addition to any office space.

